5 Hacks to Make Laundry Day Run Smoothly

For many people, keeping up with laundry is one of life’s most unpleasant tasks. It’s never-ending, it’s time-consuming, and there are lots of opportunities to make little mistakes that leave your laundry a little less “fresh” than you might like.

As laundry experts (a very coveted title), we know a thing or two about how to create the most effective laundry routine, both for the outcome itself and for your own sanity. Use these five tips on your next load!

     1. Treat stains as they happen, not right before you wash.

It happens to the best of us—you’re wearing something you love, and you spill something that leaves a mark. Stains are inevitable, but you’ll have the best chances of reversing the damage if you treat them right away. Carry a stain-remover stick on the go to make sure you always have an option nearby, and if you’re home when the incident occurs, apply your favorite stain treatment as soon as possible.

Saving stain stress for later is a recipe for a laundry load that feels especially daunting—and is a potential for fully ruined clothes. Commit to this tip and see how it changes the outcome!

     2. Speed up clothes drying time by adding a clean towel to the dryer.

If you’re in a rush waiting for clothes to dry, a simple tip to speed up the process is to add a clean, dry towel to the wet laundry. As your clothes tumble in the machine, some of the moisture will be absorbed by the towel, which will easily dry itself out since it wasn’t holding water, to begin with.

Shave a few minutes off the dry time, and when the load is done, all you have to do is fold and put away your support towel. Pretty great outcome for such a small change!

     3. Fold and hang clothes right out of the dryer to prevent wrinkles.

This “hack” is a bit more of a “general life reminder,” but if you’re trying to prevent wrinkles and overall messy-looking clothing, try to fold and hang your clothes right out of the dryer. We won’t tell anyone if you don’t actually put them away ASAP (or at all…), but when you reach for your favorite pieces, you’ll be grateful everything is nice and crisp.

If you struggle with this tip, set a timer so you don’t forget when your load will be dry in the first place, then see how fast you can get through the folding and hanging. You might be surprised to find that it’s only a few minutes—especially if you’ve built it up to be a time-consuming step in your head.

     4. Wash socks in a garment bag to keep pairs together.

laundry hacks mesh sock bag

Ah, the dreaded “lost sock” issue. It’s frustrating to feel like you’re always losing socks to the mystery laundry sock-eater, but a quick solution is to throw your socks in a mesh garment bag or wash bag before you add them to the machine. They’ll still get a thorough wash because the soap and water fully penetrate the bag, but they won’t be able to roam freely through the washer and dryer. Win, win!

     5. Work with Wash Crew!

Last but not least, our ultimate laundry hack is to hire the Wash Crew so you never have to think about any of these steps again. All we do is laundry, so we have to admit we’re pretty great at it. All you’ll have to do is drop your dirty laundry bag outside your door and bring it inside when it’s delivered clean. That’s what we call a successful laundry day!

Learn more about the Wash Crew process and schedule your first pickup here. We’d love to help you take a load off—pun intended.

Ready to Hand Off Laundry Duty?

The Wash Crew is ready to make you proud. Let us take care of your family’s laundry and reclaim your time for more important things. We’ll deliver clean clothes you can count on.

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